Two Rivers Elementary achieves highest test scores in the state

Two Rivers Elementary School. Photo by Jack Fedor, Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep.
June 16, 2023
Two Rivers Elementary, Natomas Unified School District’s smallest pre-kindergarten through fifth grade school in terms of student population, has the highest scores on state testing in English language arts, mathematics and science, according to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress test result website.
Overall, on the 2021-2022 CAASPP test, the district had 44.16 percent of students above or at the standard for English language arts, 28.83 percent of students above or at the standard for mathematics and 24.2 percent of students above or at standard for science.
By comparison, Two Rivers has 47.82 percent of students above or at standard for English language arts, 44.25 percent of students above or at standard for mathematics and 27.37 percent of students above or at standard for science.(
Even though 47.82 percent of students scored above or at standard for English language arts, the school is a little more than two percentage points below its goal of 50 percent, according to the school’s 2022 student plan for achievement.
The school’s solution to the shortfall is to purchase materials for intervention and instruction.
The school also wants to increase its percentage of students above or at standard in mathematics by at least three percentage points, and plans to purchase materials for assessment, instruction and intervention.
“Historical CAASPP data has shown improvement for our students,” said the Two Rivers Elementary 2022 student plan for achievement. “With our current use of local assessments, we want to continue this trend for our students’ growth and reach higher levels of achievement on the upcoming CAASPP assessment while also addressing learning recovery needs due to the pandemic.”
The 2021-2022 test results showed that across all demographics – disability status, economic status, race and ethnicity as well as gender – Two Rivers students performed better than the district average in English language arts, mathematics and science, with two exceptions.
Among Asian students at Two Rivers, 55.27 percent met or exceeded grade-level standards in English language arts, compared to the district’s rate of 57.39 percent for that group.
And among the school’s White students, only 43.10 percent met or exceeded grade-level standards in English language arts, compared to the district-wide figure of 56.85 percent for that group.
Two Rivers Elementary compares favorably to other Natomas Unified schools on two more metrics. It is the only full-time, in-person school in the district to have a three percent or less suspension rate, and the only school in the district to have a 20 percent or less chronic absenteeism rate, according to the California School Dashboard website.